Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Backpack System

     Hello all! How's everybody been? I trust things are going well, mostly because this has been a historically one-sided method of communication, thus leaving me the responsibility of determining how everything in your life has been faring. It's a heavy burden, I know, but do not spend a precious moment in thinking I don't approach this task with the same levity and nonchalance that I wield in all my duties.
     Anyways, I've got something I'd very like to share with you. With the help of a friend, I've at long last slain a beast that's haunted me for many a year. At long last, I have developed a universal system reference for backpack pockets. I'm sure you've experienced this situation: You're asking a friend to put something into your backpack, or you're being asked to remove something from a friends backpack. In this process, communication falls apart as you try to explain which pocket you're discussing. This happens at the fault of perspective, as what you would consider the "second pocket" on your backpack is likely to be completely different from what your compatriot considers the pack's "second pocket," and this causes the confusion.
     My system alleviates this social awkwardness, and repairs this hole in modern communication. Look at your backpack. Take a mental note of the number pockets it has. Beginning at the main pocket (the largest one, typically closest to the wearer's back), number each pocket in order of decreasing vertical position and compartment size. In the case of a tie, favor the right-side pocket (using the wearer's point of view as the basal setting, as if they were wearing the pack), and go all the way to the smallest pockets. In regards to exterior pouches, bill them under the internal compartments, as a way of removing confusion.
     I know asking you to adopt and learn an entirely new system of communication is unfounded in it's time requirement, but seriously guys, doesn't this fix such a minuscule problem?

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