Thursday, January 7, 2016


     Hello and howdy! Welcome once again to the rambling thoughts of a pseudo-intellectual with a laptop and wifi. We find ourselves at the beginning of a new year, an untold sea of possibilities that lies before us, should we elect to sail it. Gone now are the days of 2015. They have been ebbed away by the unrelenting march of time, diminishing at the passage of each second. As usual, we turn our eyes forward to the year yet to come instead of lingering on the past. That brings me to the first point of order: the gimmick. The previous two blogs I've written have both had little quirks and abnormalities, and this series is no different. This year, posts will be scheduled around the number 7. If the date is divisible by 7, something will be posted here. It's pretty simple -despite the internal struggle spawned in the titling process- and will undoubtedly lead to scheduling conflicts and late nights for me. With any hope, I'll be able to put in more effort that past attempts at blogging, though this prediction is based solely on the fact that college life has forced time management onto my shoulders.
       I'm not at college, however pedantic my vocabulary may seem, and am therefore existing in a timeless manner. I feel not the hindrance of looming deadlines or regimented wakefulness. These caveats of life have been replaced with that ever-draining sense of wastefulness, the feeling of something left undone... It will come to an end before the month does, and soon I'll be back to the fast-paced thrills and chills of undergraduate studies. When I return I will (hopefully) start along the path to a materials science & engineering major, and I can only hope new adventures await. I have been completely free-writing up to this point, mostly because I didn't have anything prepared, but alas, I must keep writing! Since I haven't posted anything since the beginning of Autumn 2015, I feel out of practice, and the well-trodden trail of blogging has seen the growth of brambles and thickets, but fret not. The more we travel down this road, the smoother it will become, and then I'll be able to write more interesting posts.
     Well, it would seem as though we have reached the end of this post. It was a strange journey, but we've come out the other side, and with a glance over our shoulders we can see that this was actually a long-winded way of saying two small words:
I'm back.

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